Electricity as a form of energy has always been in existence in nature. Over the years, improvements in electricity by famous scientists such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edinson are evident with today’s electricity. It has brought about a significant change in almost every aspect of life, and its use cases cannot be ignored. Ranging from powering up machines to lighting, the use cases of electricity are tremendous. As one of the European countries, Germany is among the highest electricity consumers. Over the years, electricity as a form of energy in Germany has become expensive in their pay rates. These documents discussions on the energy market in Germany. Due to this, Germany did start to shift from nuclear energy to renewable energy. Solar, wind, biomass, and hydro are renewable energy (green energy) examples. To read reviews and comments on electricity issues in German, one can visit StadtEnergie. Germany is one of the countries in Europe where renewable energy is highly supported since the power has a significant positive impact, as shown below:
1. It reduces electricity rates.
Since renewable energy does not involve using conventional fuel, this type of energy in Germany cuts the cost of the rates one pays if one uses electricity. Renewable energy can replace every place where traditional power is used, including industries, residential areas, and commercial establishments. For example, solar panels absorb enough heat from the sun, transforming it into energy and generating electricity when using solar renewable energy. The only cost that one covers are purchasing solar panels and batteries.
2. It brings about steady prices in energy.
Nuclear energy involves the use of fuel for it to work. Purchasing of fuel is expensive, and many at times, it is often affected by fluctuating prices in the market, thus causing unsteady prices on the rates of electricity. On the other hand, renewable energy, provided that the initial costs are covered, the cost of producing electricity is reduced and thus making it to be stable since fuel is no longer used. Though the initial costs might be expensive, its advantages cannot outweigh its disadvantages.
3. It conserves resources.
Germany is widely known for its rich heritage in culture and natural resources. The country has been researching and inventing ways to improve its renewable energy for a while now because resources used to make renewable energy are not exhaustible. Some of the resources for renewable energy include the sun, wind, and water, which we well know are not exhaustible since they adjust to natural cycles. For this reason, the Germans know that with renewable energy, they will be able to provide an energy system that is viable and can be used in many generations to come without being depleted.
4. It enables Germain to gain energy independence.
Like many other countries, though being among the first world countries, Germany still depends on other countries for energy. The use of renewable energy will make the government be able to sustain itself with its power without depending on other nations. Gaining energy independence will enable Germany to take care of its energy needs domestically. Another advantage of this is that the fluctuating energy prices will not affect the Germans.
5. It reduces harmful pollution of air.
Apart from cutting on the electricity rates, renewable energy also reduces harmful pollutants in the air. The use of conventional energy such as nuclear energy involves the burning of fossils fuels that result in dangerous gases emitted into the atmosphere and, of course, harmful when inhaled by people. Germany is trying to reduce this by ensuring that they are using renewable which does not involve burning anything or producing harmful gasses. The gases, also when exposed to the air, react with the ozone layer, which brings about negative climatic change. Some of the health problems caused by this are coughing, lung reduction function, airways inflammation.
6. It makes the economy confident.
Last but not least, renewable energy reduces uncertainties in the economy due to the exact reasons for price fluctuation. Economic certainty comes in because renewable energy production is not affected by the instability of fuel prices. Hence, Germany has a country that can plan and foresee what will happen to the economy. The certainty is essential for the country since they can know and understand where the government is economically in terms of energy.
In conclusion, electricity rates in Germany are high when using conventional types of energy such as nuclear energy. Due to this, the German opted to dive into renewable energy since it is a cheaper option and has other various advantages, as explained above.