Exercising regularly can indeed reduce body weight naturally. Exercise is listed from the needs too, bro! Have you been happy running lately? Or cycling? First at the park, then around the neighborhood, and now you’re thinking about running a marathon if it’s later held. Marathons can indeed sound very intimidating, especially if you are new to running. However, with careful and correct preparation, you will not have trouble doing it.

If you take part in the marathon, you don’t need to feel intimidated by the pro-runners who have often participated in competitions. You just need to prepare the right shoes, mentally, and endurance. This can be achieved with the right running training program, warming up before exercising, and also eating the right foods. For newcomers, don’t skip the warm-up before exercising! The main benefit of warming up before exercising is to avoid stiff muscles and make you free from the risk of injury.
At first glance, this exercise appears to only use the legs. Meanwhile, there are large muscles involved in this sport and not just the legs. You need flexible hips and arms. If you are already good at running, you can start cycling and swimming. The sport branch which is a combination of the three is a triathlon, consisting of running, cycling and swimming. This whole exercise requires a proper warm-up! How to warm up before running or even swimming?
The Purpose of Warming Up Before Carrying Out Exercise
The warm-up movement aims to condition the body so that it doesn’t get “beaten” after every exercise. In fact, warming up before exercising aims to prepare the muscles so that the body is not shocked. Well, some of this is an alibi why before exercising it is necessary to warm up?
- Increase heart rate
- Increase joint flexibility
- Warms and expands muscles and joints
- Improve training performance
- Increase body temperature gradually
- Smooth blood flow
- Reduce the risk of injury
- Reduce the risk of post-exercise soreness
If you warm up before exercising correctly, there will be no such thing as sore muscles after exercising! There are several types of warm-up exercises or pre-exercise warm-ups that you can do, ranging from warming up before running or warming up before swimming (by the pool), to warming up before fitness.
The warm-up movement is divided into 2, some are static (for stretching or stretching) and some are dynamic (for endurance). There are several purposes for warming up before exercising. Static stretching generally aims to widen the muscles so they don’t cramp. On the other hand, dynamic heating has many benefits, because it links physical activity with movement. Dynamic warm-up from walking to running on the spot. Not only for running, various types of stretching can also be tried to warm up before swimming, so that the muscles are flexible and not injured.
Part 1: Stretching before Exercise
There are a variety of different muscle stretching movements. The initial part is the part where you have to ‘pull’ the muscles to prepare them, so that your body muscles are not shocked. Muscle flexibility is the key to avoiding injuries while running and after running. Warm-up movements are tried by stretching optimally and should not be rushed. Oh yes, you can use this warm-up for any type of exercise! Any activity will feel easier because the muscles become hot and become more flexible. These are some examples of static movements that you should use for the muscle stretching menu!
Arm Circles. This movement is useful for warming up the shoulders and arms that will swing back and forth when running. First, put your arms to the sides, parallel to your shoulders, then turn your arms forward, like drawing a small circle. Slowly, make the circle continue to be lightning while altering the speed of the hand rotation. After 20 seconds, rotate the arm in the opposite direction. Run until your shoulder feels hot. This is an isolated active warm-up of the arm and is a significant pre-swim warm-up.
Arm Hugs. Arm hugs are useful for warming up the back and chest area. The trick is easy, just do the hugging movement and open your arms wide in turn. After 20 seconds, change the movement to swinging your arms forward and back alternately. In total this warm-up movement can open up the mobility of the shoulders and back.
Spine Rotation. The trick, lower the body until it is parallel to the waist. Do the reverse until it forms a rotation.
Leg Swings. This movement means to prepare the base of the body, train balance on the legs, and maintain stability of the waist. The trick is to make sure one foot is firmly on the ground, then swing the other leg forward and backward. Vary it by moving forwards and backwards, then crossing. Walk alternately with the other leg.
Lunges. This is a great move to warm up your hamstrings and quads. These two muscles are important in running. Perform lunges alternately left and right. Position one leg with the elbow angle in front of the body, then bring the leg and knee back so they don’t touch the floor. Don’t forget to remember the key to your core. Try to bend the back leg to 90 degrees, to reduce the risk of knee injuries and train muscle strength and strength of both legs.
Part 2: Endurance
The second part is cardio exercise to warm up before running, to prepare the heart and lungs, to warm up muscles, and to prepare your endurance in running. Dynamic warm-up is a type of warm-up to prepare the muscles and warm the body, aiming to increase your pacemaker for a long time, so that you are free from the risk of premature fatigue. This warm-up is one of dynamic stretching that you should not skip.
Run in place. Make initial preparations, try a leisurely run on the spot. Do it for 2 minutes.
High Knees While Walking. Determine the start and finish points first with a close distance of 10m. Do the high-knee movement while walking for a long time. When you are at the finish line, return to the early point with the jogging method.
Butt Kicks. Alternate small kicks to the buttocks as you walk. When tried properly, the movement looks like the opposite of high knees. Run from one point to another. When you get back to the starting point, do a little jog.
Striders. As discussed earlier, this warm-up run is useful for pumping the heart and preparing your heart rate before running. Specify a short distance of 50-100m. Start by running from one point to another, slowly increasing your speed. When returning to the initial point, go for a leisurely jog. Run 5 times.
Step Up and Down. This movement is a movement up and down stairs, which is useful for preparing the thigh muscles. In addition to warming the muscles, this movement can also help burn fat in the thighs and calves which are large due to excess fat.
Position the legs parallel to the shoulders, then lift one leg up the stairs accompanied by the next leg. Then, lower your legs to the lower stairs in turn. This one movement is actually easy, but you must be careful when trying it.
Don’t let your shins hurt! if exercise
Jump rope. This movement is quite easy, you only need to use a skip rope. Position both hands at waist level when twisting the rope. Make sure the length of the rope is suitable for your body dimensions. Keep your hands by your side. The position of the feet parallel to the shoulders then jump using a shoulder push. Return to the initial position when you feel that you have advanced very far. Go for 10 minutes each day to help strengthen your hamstrings and calf.
Part 3: Cooling after Exercise
After exercise, don’t forget to do cooling movements too. Cooling movements aim to neutralize the heart rate for a long time, and provide opportunities for the muscles to recover over time. Don’t get hurt!
Running Exercise Preparation Guide
Not only warming up before exercising above, you also need to prepare some other things. For example, before training or a marathon, set aside 2 hours to prepare the body temperature properly. Also try doing HIIT cardio exercises that can strengthen your endurance. You can also try various water sports that can train your respiration.
Also make sure your body fluids are adequate, and don’t forget to eat a lot of environmental carbohydrates to build energy reserves. Well, so that you don’t smell bad even though you’re sweating, you need Ax Ice Chill Deodorant Bodyspray which is intended for sporty men. After all, it’s a shame, if the running is cool but the body smells?
The fragrance is fresh and long lasting because it contains Fragrance content. There is also 2X Odor Protection which can help avoid body odor. This cool recipe from Ax doesn’t want to make the smell of sweat mix and create an unpleasant smell.
Warm Up Before Swimming
The warm-up that is tried before swimming is a dynamic stretch and warm-up. But there are some warm-up movements before swimming that you must do. Warming up before doing swimming exercises aims to make the muscles more elastic, so they are free from muscle cramps. The benefit of warming up before swimming is that it makes your body not sick afterwards.
Unlike the warm-up before running, which only focuses on the legs, swimming requires warming up the chest, back, and abdominal muscles. Swimming is a sport that requires you to use all the muscles of the body, including the neck muscles!
What warm-up moves are you trying before swimming? Examples of warm-up movements before swimming are the world’s greatest stretch, arm circles, side to side lunges, and planks. You can combine this static warm-up with a little dynamic warm-up.